The Weekly Rant with Gary Patella

Thoughts and ideas on various grievances that are relevant to everyday life.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

On The Cocooned Existence

The vicissitudes of life, the changes that take place over time, the unexpected events, the variety of experiences-- these things are what make life interesting. These things can breathe life into life. Of course not all changes are good. In fact, less than half of the changes that take place may actually be beneficial. But that is not the point. The true essence of these changes is that they break up the day to day monotony.
Despite this, many people choose to live an unaltered life. Their goal is to avoid changes, never experience something new or unexpected, never travel to a land unknown, and never do anything extreme. These people I pity, and it is them I will discuss.
The first question that should be asked is "Why do these people avoid change?" The answer is simple: comfort. There is some comfort in familiarity. That familiarity can be in a routine, in a particular restaurant or bar, or in a particular favourite vacation spot.
People who avoid change find themselves trapped in a comfort zone. There may be a few small benefits to being locked in a comfort zone. They will never have to worry about going on vacation to a place they will not enjoy (every vacation will be to somewhere previously visited), they will never have to worry about having a bad night due to a dislike of the bar or club (it will be a familiar one), and they will never have to worry about sticking a distasteful food item into their mouths.
Despite these advantages (if you can call them that), I must speak out against the cocooned existence. I label it as such, because it is as if these people wrap themselves in a large cocoon (encompassing all of the places that they know) and never break free to fly around and view the outside world.
As an aside, these people tend to be averse to adventure of any kind. Skydiving, bungee jumping, or even a simple roller coaster seem to be out of the question. The excitement caused by such things is unfamiliar and therefore an anathema. But I digress.
The point I am trying to make is that changes should not be avoided. If anything, they should be sought after. Add some spice and excitement to your life. You might actually enjoy it. Don't be afraid to take the plunge and break free of the precious comfort zone. Tear that cocoon to shreds, give up your hermetic lifestyle and view the world. Break routine, try something completely new, travel to an exotic land, go on an adventure. Break free from your cocoon, use your new wings, and fly! You don't have to know where you are going, for that is the best way to get somewhere you've never been. But go, and go now!


At 4:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are we smacking down the Cyclone?

At 5:52 PM , Blogger Chuck Deggsy said...

Wooo hoooo freedom.....chuck runs out of his house naked...into the dark damp fields.....


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