The Weekly Rant with Gary Patella

Thoughts and ideas on various grievances that are relevant to everyday life.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On Modern Pharmacies

In the age of modern medicine, we no longer have delusions about what causes illness. Many of the pathogens that cause disease have been studied, and chemical substances have been created to eradicate many of these pathogens. Antibiotics have been developed for a large number of bacteria, anti-fungal treatments created, and in a few cases anti-serums can kill viruses.

These medical treatments are not restricted to pathogens either. There are medicines to lower blood pressure, cure depression, and even cause erections. The apothecary has existed for centuries, and pharmacists are still around today to fill prescription needs. Or at least they are supposed to be around to fill prescriptions.

Nowadays the pharmacies have become more like grocery stores. The pharmacy of today is packed with chips, soda, paper goods, basic food items, and greeting cards. This in itself is not a problem. In fact, if pharmacies were able to operate with this grocery store addition then it would be rather convenient for most of the customers. Unfortunately, today's pharmacies have shown that they are too incompetent to handle both the functions of the grocery section and the pharmacy. And since a large number of people have decided to use the pharmacy as a place to buy their groceries, the pharmaceutical aspect of the store has gone down the tubes.

Each time I go to the pharmacy to fill a prescription, I try to search for one of those old "Mom and Pop" type of pharmacies. It's not about being anti big business or anything stupid like that. The fact is that I have a prescription that I need filled. In order to get the prescription filled, I have to go somewhere that can fill it. These modern pharmacies are obviously not up to the task.

I enter the grocery store/pharmacy and head to the back. I give in my prescription and I always hear the sentence "Ooh, let me check to see if we have that." I wait for a while and then I'm told that they don't have my prescription in stock. And it's not just me. I've been behind others at these lines where the person in front of me was told the same thing. What is going on? The shelves are always stocked with all of the groceries. I suppose when it comes time to reorder supplies, the actual medicine takes the lowest priority.

It really pisses me off! All of these stores have the gumption to have a big sign that says "Pharmacy" and yet that pharmacy has no drugs. What's next? Am I going to be told that they ran out of beer the next time I go to a beer garden? Are there going to be bakeries without bread? It makes no sense.

I understand the desire to expand, but you can't leave out the main function of the business. If you want to sell a bunch of groceries, that's fine. But the next time you restock, remind the so-called pharmacist in the back that he needs to reorder some things every now and then as well. Or else fire him and hire some high school student to work back there. After all, you only need a working knowledge of pharmacology if you are going to actually give out prescriptions. If you are only going to tell everyone that you have nothing in stock, you are useless and your degree was all for naught.


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