The Weekly Rant with Gary Patella

Thoughts and ideas on various grievances that are relevant to everyday life.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

On Gossip

In our daily lives we have many encounters with other individuals. In some cases we have something in common that can be discussed. But most of the time, we must use what is referred to as "small talk." In such conversations, categories are chosen that are very broad and general. Topics such as the weather or the news are typical. But there is one other topic that many people like to use. It involves mutual acquaintances, and it annoys the hell out of me.

Gossip is widespread and, when it comes to those that live for it, almost no one is left out. These people will go on and on about the lives of others. Furthermore, they never want to convey good news about a person. It always has to be something negative. Basically, they are talking trash about others and loving it.

I have two problems with this. First off, I rarely talk behind someone's back. I do say negative things about people, but it is usually something I have already openly revealed in front of the person. Perhaps it was said in a joking manner to lighten the blow, but chances are it was said to that person's face nonetheless. Exceptions do exist where I truly am talking behind someone's back, but those exceptions are few and far between. For the most part it is something I don't do, and when someone is going on and on about someone else it feels like I'm involved. I know full well that I'm not, but there is still a sense of discomfort that arises when someone talks smack on someone else. It feels as though he or, more typically, she is trying to get you involved.

My second and major problem with this is simple: I don't care! Honestly, I couldn't care less about some girl I hardly know that's having trouble with her marriage, some guy I hardly know that filed for bankruptcy, or how many mistresses Tiger Woods had. Of course that last one isn't the typical gossip told in confidence, but it is gossip. This can only mean that the media can be viewed as a larger, more widespread version of one of these gossip mongers. News should not contain gossip about celebrities. Such stories are not news.

In closing, I would just like to say something to those who love gossip. Leave me the hell alone! I don't care! Whatever stupid inconsequential thing you are going to tell me about someone else can be kept to yourself. It has no bearing on my life and, chances are, the person being talked about has no bearing on my life either. Go bother someone else with this nonsense. I have no time for it.


At 1:19 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

all newspapers are gossip.

gossip about the stock market. gossip about political moves, gossip about stars, gossip about crime, gossip about hollywood. gossip gossip gossip.

Nothing in the news is free from "gossip" as one of it's referents in the internet tagging system.

this being said, I empathize with you as to the poor quality of what is considered gossip worthy. something i have no stake in, nor interest, should not be shared with me (except perhaps if the person sharing is only venting).

that being said, I still get updates on former friends, old girlfriends, classmates I hardly remember, et al. Humans are the animal that gossips, and sorry to say, we are mixing with the humans, even if we are not in fact human.

When in Rome . . .


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