On Pamphlets and Flyers
Walking is a wonderful and underused means of transportation. Taking a leisurely stroll along the streets, either to reach a destination or just to kill time, is quite enjoyable. However, there are some people that take the pleasure out of this activity. I have already tackled those who walk at the rate of a snail and create congestion. But there is another breed that also affects pedestrians negatively. These are the people that fling their arms out in front of the faces of others with unbound printed works.
For me, few things disrupt my walks more than a series of pamphlets and flyers being shoved in my face. Half of these retarded things are trying to preach some type of religion, and they all use quotes from religious texts to "prove" that you will go to hell if you do not agree with the message on that piece of paper. The rest are for clubs I will never go to, restaurants I will never dine in, sales in stores that I will never shop in, and advertisements for free cell phones given out to a ton of people that already own a cell phone.
One of the most ironic (and therefore humourous) situations is when I see environmental groups actively giving out flyers to everyone. If you observe this for even a short time, you will see that they waste a tremendous amount of paper in order to save the trees. Considering the fact that more than half of all those who receive said flyer immediately discard it, I would say that this method of saving the environment is counterproductive.
There are others that can clearly see when people want to avoid being handed a piece of trash, and yet they insist on forcing it upon those that would rather be left alone. This too is counterproductive. If a person's attitude clearly demonstrates that the flyer will be thrown out anon, then that person should not be handed a flyer. The business, religion, or group of activists will not gain anything from someone (e.g. myself) that refuses to read whatever is handed to him or her.
So for all those who hand out pamphlets and flyers, please stop! And if you choose to continue, at least have the decency to restrain your arm when you see a person that is actively trying to avoid you. We aren't avoiding you because of shyness. We simply don't need to walk around with a useless piece of paper.