On Magnanimity
For some of us there seems to be an inner voice that guides us towards a noble lifestyle. Some may call it a conscience, but regardless of its classification, the main point is that it exists for some percentage of the population. This, in itself, is good in my opinion. Qualities such as chivalry, kind-heartedness, and valor are positive ones.
But there is also a similar quality considered higher: magnanimity. To be magnanimous is to be generous, kind and noble in a forgiving way. In order for this to occur, some wrong must have been inflicted (otherwise there would be nothing to forgive). Many people consider it a great quality, but I hold a different view.
In my opinion, magnanimity is overrated. To understand why I feel this way we should first examine the purpose of being magnanimous.
In essence, magnanimity comes down to showing that you are the bigger person. The whole aim is to demonstrate that you are the better man (or woman). But let us now decide for whom we display this quality. When it comes down to it, there is only oneself and the rest of the world.
I will start with the latter. The rest of the world has shown time and time again that it doesn't really care. You can be the most magnanimous person on the face of the planet and, chances are, it will go unnoticed. So to put on a display to blind eyes is pointless. Therefore, it doesn't pay to be a bigger person for the world's sake.
As true as this may be, you may still wish to do it because you will know. I am not going to criticize things that are done merely to show oneself the nobility within. I will, however, show that the actual action is unnecessary. Before performing an act of magnanimity, some thought is put into it. The person knows that he or she was wronged, and consequently has right to not behave nobly towards the wrongdoer. Nevertheless, he or she will contemplate doing "the right thing" before proceeding.
In my mind, this is where it can end. The fact that such a thought even occurred to you after being treated inappropriately shows that you already are the bigger person. The other individual would never even have considered such a thought. And therefore, in the simple act of thinking about being magnanimous, you have shown yourself that you are in fact the bigger person. No further action is needed.
Remember, being a dove all of the time is not an evolutionarily stable strategy. So don't become a doormat. It is still good to be nice, but not too nice. People that are too nice cross the line at some point, and at that point they are no longer being nice to themselves.